Coronavirus and Worst Pandemics In History

By ganerationlmn 8 Min Read
Coronavirus and Worst Pandemics In History.

As the coronavirus epidemic spreads all over the world, further than causing the death of 6.86M people according to a new report, coronavirus or COVID-19 was not the first pandemic in history. Many pandemics were throughout human history. We will look back at the 11 worst pandemics in history including coronavirus.


The pest of Athens would be the first listed epidemic in history. It affected ancient Greece from 430 to 426 BC. The population was also a victim of a surge in typhoid fever. A third of the population of the megacity, which had around, 20000 occupants, would have failed.


The Antonine or Galenic pest struck the Roman Empire at the end of the Antonine dynasty. It began at the end of the time 165 or the morning of 166, in Mesopotamia and reached Rome in lower than a time. This is presumably the first smallpox epidemic in the West.

It would have caused nearly 10 million deaths between 166 and 189.


The Plague of Justinian bears the name of the Emperor who reigned at that time. This epidemic would have started in Egypt in 541. Following the trade routes of the Mediterranean, it affected the Mediterranean beachfront, including Italy. It killed around 25 to 100 million people around the world or a third of the population at the time. The epidemic has caused up to 10,000 deaths per day. Constantinople would have lost, in one summer, 40 of its population.

4. BLACK Pest

From 1347 to 1353, the Black Death would have caused between 25 to 34 million victims in Europe. The black plague is a bubonic infection caused by a bacterium transmitted to humans through fleas. It increased because of war and trade. The scourge reappeared in the alternate half of the 19th century, causing nearly 100 million deaths worldwide.

5. Unheroic FEVER

Yellow fever, also known as vomito Negro'(‘ black heave’), appeared in the tropical regions of the Americas where a large epidemic affected Mexico’s Yucatan in 1648, reports Sud- Ouest. This acute viral hemorrhagic complaint is transmitted by infected mosquitoes
Several swells of unheroic fever affected the world in the 17th, 18th, and early 19th centuries. South America, especially Venezuela and sub-Saharan Africa are still affected moment by unheroic fever, according to the WHO.


Cholera morbus first appeared in India around 1826, and also spread to Moscow and Russia in 1830, also Poland and Finland. It touched Berlin in 1831, the British Islands in 1832, and eventually France at the same time. In six months, this epidemic which sowed fear and caused screams claimed further than 100,000 victims in France and further than a million in Europe.

7. SPANISH FLU and Covid-19

The Spanish flu epidemic appeared at the end of the First World War. It would have landed in Europe via American colors before polluting the mercenary population of Europe and also of the world in 1919. The Spanish flu affected between a quarter and a third of the world’s population and claimed between 25 and 50 million victims, making it the most devastating epidemic in history. People often compare Covid-19 and Spanish flu to each other due to the devastating impact they had on the world. COVID-19 and Spanish flu share similarities, including their high level of contagion. However, COVID-19 has distinct characteristics, such as its ability to spread through asymptomatic individuals and varying symptoms. Additionally, advancements in science and technology have enabled a quicker identification and containment response to COVID-19.


The Asian flu (H2N2) appeared in China in 1956 before spreading around the world. The epidemic has caused the death of 1 to 4 million people, according to the WHO. Roughly 70,000 victims were affected in the United States.


The Asian flu strain evolved into antigenic H3N2 and caused a new epidemic called the Hong- Kong flu in 1968. It affected Asia, and the United States before arriving in Europe at the end of the time 1969. It caused the death of roughly one million people throughout the world.

10. AIDS

The AIDS epidemic began in Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, in the 1920s, before spreading around the world. The HIV virus weakens the immune system and is transmitted from mother to child, through blood, and sexually. The first AIDS alert was raised in 1981, and on May 20, 1983, a team of researchers from the Pasteur Institute, led by Luc Montagnier, discovered the AIDS virus. At the height of the epidemic, in the 2000s, nearly two million people succumbed to the complaint each time worldwide.

In 2018 770,000 people failed of AIDS worldwide, a third lower than in 2010, according to the periodic report of UNAIDS. There’s presently still no vaccine against HIV, but antiretroviral treatments allow carriers to live with it. Since 1981, AIDS has claimed further than 35 million victims.

11. Coronavirus

COVID-19, a highly contagious illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, surfaced in Wuhan, China in December 2019, and rapidly became a global pandemic. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe and may include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Preventative measures such as mask-wearing, social distancing, and regular hand washing can help stop the spread of the virus. Vaccines are now accessible worldwide, providing an effective defense against COVID-19.

Origins of coronavirus

Scientists continue to investigate the origins of the coronavirus, and current evidence suggests that the virus originated in bats before an intermediate host, such as a pangolin, transmitted it to humans. Further studies are necessary to completely comprehend the virus’s transmission and spread. However, it is known that the first cases of COVID-19 were linked to a seafood and wet market in Wuhan, China, in late 2019.

Britain, China, and some European countries have tested new variants of the coronavirus.


Spanish flu: The mother of pandemics.