5 technology Blogs You Need to Know

By ganerationlmn 2 Min Read
5 technology Blogs You Need to Know

A common custom on this date is to share interesting blogs with readers, so we have selected 5 technology blogs that you need to know. Check out!


The root terminal is a blog that talks mainly about the C++ language, programming, and game and web development. The blog features very useful tutorials, articles, and tips for developers. Additionally, the root terminal website also offers a range of courses for those who want to learn more.

Dio Linux

Dio Linux is a blog with tips and news about Ubuntu, Android, Linux games, technology, and much more. In addition to the blog, the Dio Linux website has a podcast, courses, forum, vacancies, and free ebooks. Worth knowing.

Day by day, bit by bit

Dia a dia, Bit a bit is the blog of Silvio Meira, chief scientist at TDS.company, extraordinary professor at  CESAR.school, and president of the board of PortoDigital.org. Meira is a scientist and professor working in the areas of software engineering, digital transformation, new businesses, and education, and talks about trends such as the metaverse, industry 4.0, data, and much more.

Hardware Club

Created in 1996, the Hardware Club is a blog that talks about technology in general, but with a focus on hardware. In addition to posts with tips and reviews, the site features a forum where people can interact and ask questions.

How to Geek

With the motto of ‘We explain technology’, How to Geek is ranked among the 500 best websites in the United States. The site features several reviews and explains the ‘how to’ features of gadgets, software, and applications in simple language.

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