A Guide to the Family Reunion Visa of Italy

By ganerationlmn 4 Min Read
Family Reunion Visa of Italy

Introduction to the Family Reunion Visa in Italy

The family reunion visa is a legal document that allows family members of Italian citizens or legal residents to join them in Italy for a temporary or permanent stay. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on the family reunion visa in Italy.

Eligibility Criteria for Family Reunion Visa

To be eligible for the family reunion visa, the following criteria must be met:

  • The applicant must be a family member of an Italian citizen or legal resident.
  • The family member residing in Italy must have a valid residence permit or citizenship.
  • The applicant must have a genuine relationship with the Italian citizen or resident.
  • The applicant must have sufficient financial resources to support themselves in Italy.
  • The applicant must not have a criminal record.

Types of Family Reunion Visas

There are two types of family reunion visas available in Italy:

  • Short-term family reunion visa: Italian authorities issue this visa for a temporary stay in Italy, ranging from a few days to three months.
  • Long-term family reunion visa: Italian authorities issue this visa for a long-term stay in Italy, which can last for more than three months up to one year.

Required Documents for Family Reunion Visa

To apply for the family reunion visa, the following documents are required:

  • Valid passport of the applicant.
  • Completed visa application form.
  • A letter of invitation from a family member residing in Italy.
  • Proof of the relationship with the family member in Italy.
  • Proof of financial resources to support themselves in Italy.
  • Medical insurance coverage.
  • Police clearance certificate.
  • Accommodation arrangements in Italy.

Application Process for Family Reunion Visa

The application process for the family reunion visa is as follows:

  1. The applicant must apply for the visa at the Italian embassy or consulate in their home country.
  2. The applicant must complete the visa application form accurately and attach all required documents to it.
  3. After receiving the application, the Italian embassy or consulate may call the applicant for an interview or request additional documents.
  4. The processing time for the visa can take up to 90 days.
  5. If the visa is approved, the applicant can travel to Italy and join their family member.

Renewal of Family Reunion Visa

If the family member wishes to extend their stay in Italy, they must renew their visa. To renew the visa, they must apply at the local police station within eight days before the visa expires.


This visa is an essential document for those who wish to join their family members living in Italy. The applicant should make sure to meet all eligibility criteria and submit all required documents accurately.
By following the steps outlined in this article, the family member can apply for a family reunion visa and reunite with their loved ones in Italy.

See also: Exploring the Types of Italian Visas

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