Can dogs eat white chocolate?

By ganerationlmn 6 Min Read
Can dogs eat white chocolate?

When they see their furry friends’ eager faces, many owners have doubts about whether dogs can eat white chocolate, but the answer is no. In fact, chocolate should not be part of the dog’s diet, nor as a treat.

However, don’t despair. In this article, we will discuss why it is not allowed to offer white chocolate to dogs. Also, let’s talk more about healthy snacks for him.

Why can’t dogs eat white chocolate?

After all, why can’t you give your dog chocolate? Chocolate is one of the foods most consumed by owners, but it should not be offered to the pet. Possibly, if you drop a little piece, your dog will smear himself, because the flavor is really pleasant.

However, chocolate for dogs is harmful. Cases requiring veterinary care are common. Therefore, when eating this delicacy, be very careful not to forget a piece under the table or on the floor.

The reason why you cannot give white chocolate to your dog is that it contains ingredients that are harmful to your pet’s body, such as theobromine and caffeine. If you heard that white chocolate is harmless to dogs, know that this information is incorrect.

Although white chocolate has less theobromine, the substance is still there and is toxic to the dog. Furthermore, white chocolate has much more fat compared to dark chocolate, another aggravating factor for the pet.

Now that you know if dogs can eat white chocolate, see the symptoms of poisoning and how to act to save your furry friend in this situation.

Find out if your dog has poisoning

In addition to knowing if your dog can eat white chocolate if you suspect that your dog has ingested the food, you need to observe it. However, sometimes he may not show symptoms. If in doubt, be sure to consult your veterinarian. Check out some signs that your furry friend may have eaten chocolate.


Especially dark chocolate can cause some restlessness in your dog. Therefore, if you notice something unusual in the behavior and suspect that it could be chocolate, it is important to seek help.

The main problem in this case is that the caffeine present in chocolate is absorbed by the pet’s body quickly. This causes a spike in anxiety in the dog and can last up to 72 hours. The veterinarian will know what to do.

Vomiting and diarrhea

Another symptom of chocolate poisoning is vomiting, which may or may not be followed by diarrhea. If he vomits a lot, he may become dehydrated, yet another reason to keep chocolate far away from your pet.

Rapid breathing and increased heart rate

As well as restlessness, increased breathing and heart rate can be observed, which are even more serious symptoms of intoxication. Make everyone in the family aware that dogs cannot eat white or black chocolate.

Is there chocolate for dogs?

Did you know that there is chocolate for dogs? However, it does not contain toxic substances or sugar. Therefore, it is a sweet made specially to please the pet’s taste and not harm it.

Dog chocolate is made from soybean bran and other ingredients that don’t harm your furry friend’s health. It is found in the main pet stores. Additionally, there are some snacks that can be offered to your pet. See next!

What can you offer your dog as a snack?

Although the answer is negative when it comes to whether dogs can eat white chocolate, be aware that some alternative foods, such as fruit, are permitted.

In fact, fruits are healthy and can be offered sporadically in controlled quantities, as they are rich in fructose and calories, which can contribute to your dog’s weight gain.

Food is still the most complete food for your dog, so never change his diet without the vet’s approval. Next, see a list of some fruits allowed in small quantities for the dog.


A simple and very common fruit to have at home is the banana, a source of vitamins, calcium, and iron. However, it is also rich in fructose, so it should only be offered occasionally.


This is many dogs’ favorite fruit, so since they can’t eat chocolate, offer them apples. It is a source of vitamins and rich in fiber, meaning it helps the intestines function. However, never offer the seeds to your pet, as they are harmful to them.


Papaya can be offered in small quantities to the dog, as it can have a laxative effect. However, it has calcium and potassium. Even in the summer, some owners freeze small pieces and offer them to their pets to hydrate and cool off from the heat.

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