By ganerationlmn 7 Min Read

What is the relationship between EAD and the job market? This is the question that many people ask, considering that continuing education is the most effective method to gain a new position, a better salary, and the benefits of a leadership position. After all, anyone who invests their time and money in undergraduate and specialization courses wants to be sure that this effort will be rewarded.

Therefore, in this post, we will talk about this subject. We will show how recruiters and managers from large companies view distance learning and whether it can bring the same benefits as an in-person course to their students’ careers. Are you interested? So, continue reading!

How is EAD seen by the job market?

All new developments face a certain amount of resistance. Therefore, when distance learning courses began to be implemented in Brazil, there was a market distrust towards them. But, over time, this situation changed a lot. Both government regulation and the performance of professionals in the companies they work in have changed this view, meaning that these certificates are now widely accepted.

The first factor for this change was regulation. A decree from the Ministry of Education (MEC) established that distance learning courses must have the same duration as an in-person course. Furthermore, institutions must comply with the criteria established in the Quality References for Distance Education. Therefore, the content offered to students must be in-depth and sufficient to prepare them for market challenges.

Furthermore, companies began to hire professionals who obtained their certifications through EAD. They realized that they not only performed equally or better than individuals who had undergone face-to-face training but also demonstrated other skills daily. These characteristics were developed precisely because they took distance learning courses. See some of them below:

Initiative and autonomy

Although there are excellent classes and written material to acquire knowledge, the fact is that distance learning students need to take the initiative to study alone. There is no one recording your presence, as happens in a traditional course. Thus, companies began to realize that those who undertake this type of degree or specialization seek knowledge autonomously not only during the training period but throughout their professional career.

Furthermore, distance learning students get used to carefully reading the instructions and carrying out their projects alone. In the work environment, this is reflected in a proactive person, who can perform well in their tasks and feels prepared to face challenges without depending on constant help.

Mastery of technologies

The EAD student uses technology to take the course. He is used to attending classes online, participating in forums, receiving material sending projects through platforms, and so on. He becomes familiar with a range of resources and even discovers new ways to use them in his work. This makes him a professional capable of facing the challenges of a market in which activities are increasingly virtual.


One of the main difficulties in reconciling work and study is organization. It’s easy to leave classes, readings, work, and projects for later, generating an accumulation of activities. Distance learning students learn to organize themselves and, thus, establish — and stick to — study schedules, according to their schedule for completing the course. This is a quality they take into their professional lives.

Differentiated knowledge

Finally, another advantage of distance learning students is differentiated knowledge. They are not limited geographically. This way, they can take classes with renowned professionals in the market, which is hardly possible in most face-to-face courses. This way, they arrive at the company with a much broader view of the segment in which it operates and the best strategies to obtain results.


Another point worth highlighting that enables this differentiated knowledge is interaction. Generally, colleges have forums where students can exchange ideas. In the EAD course, these platforms bring together people from different places who live in completely different realities, including in the context of work. Thus, there is a very rich exchange of experiences that contributes to the formation of a more complete professional.

How can you be sure that EAD is valued in the market?

A company has no way of knowing whether your diploma was obtained in an in-person or distance learning course. The certificates are the same and contain the same data (hours, curriculum, student performance, etc.). Therefore, the recruiter will only know the type of your degree or specialization if you inform him.


However, it is really important to worry about quality. After all, a piece of paper cannot guarantee that you have obtained all the knowledge necessary to perform a role. Therefore, it is very important to keep an eye on the quality of the college. This is relevant not only for your qualifications but also for being well accepted in the market.

As we have already said, the MEC establishes some references for distance learning courses. So, the first step to having a certification valued in the market is to check what the course’s classification is at the Ministry of Education. College grades are expressed in some indicators, such as:

  • the Institution’s General Index of Evaluated Courses (IGC);
  • the Preliminary Course Concept (CPC);
  • and the Enade Concept.

The idea is to look for an institution that has grades between 4 and 5, which is the maximum rating.

Furthermore, it is worth comparing the curriculum of the different institutions that are available to you to see which one has the most complete content, exactly as you would do when choosing a college or in-person specialization. This way, you will be sure that you will be prepared for the challenges of the job market.

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