Home remedies in the fight against skin spots

By ganerationlmn 4 Min Read

Home remedies in the fight against skin spots

The skin is the largest organ in the human body and is constantly exposed to external aggressions from the environment that surrounds you. The sun, atmospheric pollutants, exposure to tobacco smoke, and wind are some of these aggressors. Enhancing the development of imperfections, wrinkles, and blemishes on your skin. Age is the factor par excellence for the appearance of this type of imperfection. Since it is closely linked to the aging of skin cells.

However, you don’t have to worry about that, as you can reduce or even eliminate it. These imperfections with some home remedies. Today, we are going to introduce you to some recipes that you can prepare at home and that is a strong ally in the fight against skin blemishes:

Lactic acid:

Lactic acid helps to lighten the dark spots you have on your skin, without causing any kind of aggression. You find lactic acid in sour milk or some whey. To have the desired effect, you should take a cotton pad and soak it with milk or serum, applying it to the spots on the skin.

Chamomile Infusion:

To make this homemade tonic you have to prepare a chamomile infusion. Then put it in the fridge until it cools down. After it has cooled down, soak a cotton pad in the previously prepared infusion and rub it over your face. This infusion will help you to lighten your skin.

Powdered milk, hydrogen peroxide, and glycerin:

To prepare this cream you need two tablespoons of powdered milk, hydrogen peroxide (Vol.10), and glycerin. In an appropriate container, place the two spoons of powdered milk, adding a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and glycerin. You must mix the preparation well until you get a kind of cream and then apply it on your face (preferably at night). You should leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with cold water.

Aloe Vera:

To prepare this recipe you will need some aloe Vera stems. You must cut the stems and then open the middle, to extract its pulp. Then, you must mix the pulp with a little water and apply it to the spots you have on your skin. You must leave it on for 15 minutes and wash it off with cold water.

Carrot, Parsley, and Cucumber:

For this recipe, you need a carrot, a sprig of parsley, and half a cucumber.  Must break these three ingredients into small pieces and grind everything until you get a homogeneous paste. You should apply this paste on your spots and let it act for 15 minutes, washing it with fresh water.  This procedure is three times a week and you can store the paste in a jar, properly covered in the fridge.

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