Netflix: The 7 best series to watch in November on streaming

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Top 7 Netflix Series to Stream in November Must-Watch Shows

Top 7 Netflix Series to Stream in November: Must-Watch Shows

Another month started with several highly anticipated premieres in the Netflix Series, with several new series and new seasons. In November, subscribers to the streaming platform will be able to fill their agenda with unmissable news.

Top 7 Netflix Series to Stream in November Must-Watch Shows Roznama Pakistan
Image from Netflix: the 7 best series to watch in November on streaming on TecMundo

Among the month’s highlights are the new seasons of The Crown and Virgin River, as well as the series premiere of  Scott Pilgrim, the new reality show inspired by Round 6, and much more.

 7. All the Light We Cannot See (2/11)

The month of November begins with the miniseries Toda Luz que Não Podemos Ver. Based on the book of the same name by Anthony Doerr, winner of the Pulitzer Prize. Netflix’s original production is set during World War II.

All the Light We Cannot See follows Marie-Laure Leblanc (Aria Mia Lobert), a young visually impaired French woman who takes refuge with her father and uncle. But the plot also introduces us to the character Werner (Louis Hoffman), a talented German teenager recruited by Hitler’s army.

6. Scott Pilgrim: The Series (11/17)

Scott Pilgrim fans will be treated to Netflix’s newest anime in November. In Scott Pilgrim: The Series, the character who gives the plot its name meets Ramona Flowers, the girl of his dreams.

But before trying to win her over, the boy needs to face the young woman’s seven ex-boyfriends, resulting in an electrifying battle. Both the 2010 film, Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, and the Netflix series are based on the comics by Bryan Lee O’Malley.

5. DNA of the Crime (14/11)

There are also national series debuting on Netflix in November. In DNA of Crime, we will learn the story of an extremely elaborate investigation carried out by federal police officers.

The Brazilian series shows how DNA traces were used to dismantle the largest bank robbery gang in the world. Caught on the border between Brazil and Paraguay. The plot promises to win over fans of police action.

4. The Crown: Season 6 – Part 1 (11/16)

The first part of the sixth and final season of The Crown will also premiere on Netflix in November. In the first wave of episodes, the series follows the last days of Princess Diana’s life, played once again by Elizabeth Debicki.

The Crown will have just four episodes in the first part of the sixth season, and the second will not be long in coming. The closing of one of Netflix’s most popular plots takes place on December 14th, with six episodes.

3. Round 6: The Challenge (22/11)

After the success of the South Korean series Round 6, Netflix is ​​preparing to launch a reality competition show based on the plot. In Round 6: The Challenge, participants from all over the world will compete in the same tests seen in the series.

Netflix promises to deliver many challenges, surprises, and twists with the new program, which will reward the big winner with an incredible amount of US$4.56 million. Just like Round 6, the reality show will feature 456 participants.

2. Virgin River: Season 5 – Part 2 (11/30)

The fifth season of the Virgin River series was also divided into two parts. The first debuted on September 7th, and the second is coming to the streaming platform at the end of November.

The second part of season 5 of Virgin River. However, will feature just two episodes, complementing the first 10 that are already available to the marathon.

1. Explosives (11/30)

The end of November also brings the premiere of the series Explosivos, from the same creators as Cobra Kai. The plot promises to deliver a lot of action and comedy in a story that takes place in Las Vegas, with lots of drinking and drugs.

In Explosives, an elite team of US special forces disarms a bomb and takes advantage of their stay in the city to celebrate. However, the next day, they discover that the bomb is fake and now they have to race against time to find the real one.

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