Post-traumatic stress syndrome

By ganerationlmn 7 Min Read
Post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Post-traumatic stress syndrome is a psychiatric complaint. That appears in people who have endured a dramatic occasion in their lives (war, kidnapping, violent death of a relative).

In people who suffer from it, agonies that recall the woeful experience lived in history are frequent.

In these cases, it’s necessary to separate this pattern from other problems that spark “everyday” life situations. Analogous as divorce, family conflicts, or profitability problems.

What Causes Post-traumatic stress syndrome?

Presently, specialists don’t know the exact cause of a traumatic event that can induce this pattern in some people.

In these cases, genes, heartstrings, and the family situation play an important part. Emotional trauma from the history may increase the trouble of developing this complaint after a recent traumatic event.

Under normal circumstances, the stress hormones and chemicals that the body secretes in the face of a stressful event return. Within a short period of time, to their normal situations. But in the case of people with PTSD, the body continues to cache hormones and chemicals.

It is caused by:

  • A theft, rape, or being a victim of gender violence.
  • Terrorism or a war.
  • Imprisonment or a machine accident.
  • Natural disasters.


In some cases, the onset of symptoms of post-traumatic stress syndrome may do time after the causative event passed. These are the most characteristic signs:

  • Recollection of the trauma (flashbacks), agonies, or immediate and involuntary remembrances at any time of the day.
  • He fancies the idea of repeating the traumatic event
  • Extreme anxiety when coming into contact with people, places, or any circumstance that reminds of the event.
  • The case generally avoids exchanges, places, people, and, in general, anything that can be related to the trauma.
  • The driving event triggers beatings, briefness of breath, and increased sweating.
  • Incapacity to flashback important details of the traumatic event.
  • Feeling physically numb and not able to feel or experience.
  • Losing interest in hobbies and entertainment.
  • Show signs of hyperactivity Difficulty resting, irritability, incapacity to concentrate, or come alarmed truly easily.
  • Symptoms last for at least a month. And affect the case’s capability to renew normal life at home, at work, or in social situations.


There is evidence that traumatized people who admit specialized cerebral support and advice directly after suffering the driving event are less likely to suffer from post-traumatic stress patterns.

That is why experts recommend using a specialized professional after experiencing trauma.

Within post-traumatic stress patterns, experts distinguish between the acute type, which manifests itself during the first month to three months after the trauma; and the idle type which can appear at least six months after the driving event.

But, in addition, there is another type depending on the characteristic picture of the case

The individual continually relives the traumatic event, which causes them to experience repetitive memories of the event that, in extreme cases, also include pain.
This causes annoying responses from the person to situations that remind him of the fact.

In some cases, the action espoused is evasion the case shows emotional insensitivity and indifference to quotidian exertion and avoids places or studies that remind him of the event.

Hyperarousal means that the person continually scans their surroundings for signs of pitfall, which makes it delicate to concentrate and causes constant surprises. This can spark vexation or fits of outrage.

Also, it’s possible that the case copes with the traumatic event through negative studies and moods. This causes guilt or a tendency to condemn others for the event, and a loss of interest in quotidian exertion.
To diagnose this complaint, the specialist will ask the case about the duration of the symptoms. In general terms, people refer to the condition as post-traumatic stress disorder if the characteristic symptoms persist for more than 30 days.

In the same way, doctors may perform physical examinations and blood tests to determine if there is another condition that shares the same symptoms.

Treatments for Post-traumatic stress syndrome

Treatment is long-term, which explains the high degree of abandonment of remedy. It’s estimated that 75 percent of treated cases drop out.

Experts typically treat the condition with a combination of drugs and psychotherapy. The drugs target the most pronounced symptoms of the disorder and are used alongside psychotherapy. The specifics that are generally specified are antidepressants and anxiolytics.

During psychotherapy, experts aim to teach relaxation techniques that are similar to learning proper breathing when facing a stressful situation caused by the disorder.

Experts can combine this treatment with cognitive therapy to help the patient understand the traumatic events. They may also use exposure therapy, in which the patient is gradually exposed to the situation that caused trauma, to help them overcome their fear.

Other data

Utmost people who have endured trauma do not develop Post-traumatic stress syndrome, a fact that still has no explanation. In addition, and contrary to what is believed, the harshness of the pattern does not depend on the nature of the trauma that triggers it.

The response to a delicate and unusual situation depends a lot on the perceptivity of the people affected and their resources to manage the traumas.

Part of this determination is due to their heritable characteristics, but their personality and specific life situation also have an influence. Additionally, any previous traumas in the family or social background that could provide support may also affect the situation.

It can occur at any age, but it tends to be more common among young people, possibly because they are more likely to encounter traumatic events. Moreover, social isolation is a common factor in individuals who experience it.

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