Top 5 Technology Trends for 2023

By ganerationlmn 7 Min Read
Top 5 Technology Trends for 2023

Do you want to know what the main 5 technology trends are for 2023? In this post, we present 5 of them. Check out!

With technological evolution becoming increasingly agile. Trends related to IT are integrated to form new solutions that aim to improve corporate processes and the well-being of the population in general. The creation of portable access devices. Such as smartphones, the increase in broadband capacity, and the evolution of technologies, such as cloud computing, contribute to more and more people and companies having access to innovative solutions.

In this scenario, it is up to the IT manager to be aware of the main IT trends, not to adopt all that emerge, but so that they can make the most of those that are useful to the demands of the company in which they work. The future of technology for 2022 focuses on artificial intelligence, and digital security reducing the impact of failures with anticipation, adoption of new work models driven by technology, and the improvement of customer service.

1. Expansion of artificial intelligence

Serving as the basis for a series of other technologies, artificial intelligence has been integrated into the routine of companies, in all sectors, in different ways. IDC indicates that global IT spending will exceed US$464 million in 2021, with exponential growth forecast in 2022.

The trend is that, by 2023, the technology will be present in up to a quarter of companies by 2023. Its aspects, such as machine learning and deep learning, are also taking a leading role within the company, for the most diverse purposes, in which they highlight data analysis and search for precise insights to make decision-making increasingly precise.

It doesn’t stop there, artificial intelligence must be used robustly in customer service, as the combination with machine learning improves communication with customers, providing a language that is increasingly closer to natural language.

Ultimately, AI always appears on the list of major trends, and its evolution in recent years shows that it is here to stay and dominate. It is up to professionals and society to evaluate the benefits and possible harm that this great expansion can bring, after all, technology must serve society, allowing production and economic barriers to be overcome.

2. Use of intelligent chatbots

Chatbots started out simple, designed with a flow of information that followed a line according to what the customer requested or responded to. Today, these algorithms are capable of simulating human interactions, using robust technologies. This allows chatbots to replace human attendants in recurring requests — which contributes to speeding up service by reducing queues.

It is an increasingly accessible and integrable technology that has been used in support requests, in the most varied sectors, and in customer service. One of the advantages of intelligent chatbots is that they serve customers at the time they need them most, with great efficiency. That is if at 4 am the customer has a problem. They can try to resolve it with the help of this technology.

In 2022, the trend is for chatbots to consolidate, As well as several other technologies that are being improved through the use of artificial intelligence, with the ability to learn from machine learning data and the increasing capacity that social networks provide for your users can do business directly in the app, with integration.

3. Massification of 5G

According to consultancy IDC, 5G will grow exponentially in the coming years. And in the 2021-2022 biennium. t will generate around US$2.7 billion in new business. With emphasis on technologies such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and virtual reality.

In Brazil, the expectation is that initially. The technology will become more common in the B2B segment, offering low latency and good connection density. Eliminating old barriers that delay the adoption of certain services.

4. Growth of the cloud as the foundation of IT infrastructure

Cloud computing is rapidly becoming the basis for a series of digital products, which meet the most diverse demands. Its importance was magnified during the pandemic, with the growth of remote work. Furthermore, this technology provides the most viable path for companies to increase their operational resilience in the IT sector.

Most companies are investing in hybrid environments, that is, using the cloud in conjunction with existing infrastructure. To increase scalability and efficiency in the provision of resources.

The trend is that in the near future. There will be an increase in spending on platforms and infrastructures as a service — IaaS and PaaS. With emphasis on the growth of private clouds as a service (DCaaS).

5. Growth of hybrid work

The new coronavirus pandemic has accelerated the process that many companies would take gradually. Which is to send part of the workforce to the home office. Or anywhere office — with employees having the possibility of working from anywhere.

With the resumption of activities, thanks to the advancement of vaccination, some corporations, retain talent and increase productivity. Have invested in the hybrid work model. That is, with employees mixing on-site work with remote work.

The tendency is for this work model to become fixed and this can help the company save money on infrastructure. While at the same time delivering a better quality of life to employees — especially those who waste good hours of their days commuting to work.

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