Best remedies to grow hair

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Best remedies to grow hair

Best remedies to grow hair

Knowing the best remedies to grow hair is essential to recover our self-esteem. In the market, there are several alternatives available; however, not all of them bring the expected results.

With that in mind, we have listed several medications to grow hair, explaining how they work, their characteristics, and recommendations, among other issues. Read until the end and remove all your doubts.

What causes hair loss?

  • genetics;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • stress;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Nutritional deficiencies.

Androgenetic alopecia, popularly known as baldness, occurs due to several genetic and hormonal elements.

It is also related to excess androgen (male) hormones and, due to this factor, it can be a problem for women who undergo several hormonal changes throughout their lives.

Despite being a condition of genetic and hereditary origin, the presence of one or more frames in the family does not mean that the individual will suffer from hair loss.

It is more common among males but is also present among females. In boys, hair loss is concentrated at the top of the scalp. In them, it is more diffuse.

What are the best remedies for growing hair?

There are several treatment options for hair loss. To find out more details, consult a dermatologist who will investigate the characteristics and possible causes of the condition.

Topical medications such as minoxidil and 17-alpha estradiol and oral solutions are some options for treatment. We separate the best remedies to grow hair. See the complete list:

1- Viviscal

It is a food supplement that nourishes the hair from the inside to prevent hair loss, strengthen new hairs, and promote healthy hair growth. It is ideal for those who want to have hair that looks denser, fuller, and healthier.

Over a period of six months, Viviscal goes through four phases:

  • Phase 1: nourishes the hair follicles from their matrix;
  • Phase 2: strengthens and helps hair growth from the inside to the outside.
  • Phase 3: contributes to the hair having more strength, especially in the region where it was damaged;
  • Phase 4: responsible for making the strands thicker, bulkier, healthier, and more vibrant.

Hair changes start to become more visible after three to four months, according to the supplement’s official website.

The page also highlights that: “Viviscal is a food supplement of natural origin that contains some natural ingredients. However, Viviscal is not recommended for anyone with fish or shellfish allergies, or for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

If you have any intolerance or allergy, please analyze the ingredients of Viviscal food supplements before taking them, he completes.

2- Minoxidil

Minoxidil has several benefits for hair health:

  • It helps to revitalize the hair root;
  • Normalizes the follicle cycle, prolonging the hair growth phase;
  • Stimulates the vascularization of the scalp allowing oxygenation of the area.

To ensure these benefits, the drug must be used continuously. The interruption causes the fall of the new wires.

It is essential to take some precautions regarding the drug:

  • Avoid washing your hair before application. If you are going to wash your hair, dry your hair and scalp well before applying;
  • Make sure the wires are clean, dry, and free of silicone products;
  • Apply a total dose of 1 ml to the scalp over the bald region and surrounding areas twice daily;
  • Start the application in the center of the damaged region;

The total dose of the drug should not exceed 2 ml or 2 daily applications (1 ml in the morning and 1 ml in the evening). You must wait at least 4 hours after application to wash the hair.

3- Nutrafol

People with hair health problems are indicated to take a daily hair growth supplement.

Its formula results in hair that grows faster, thicker, fuller, and stronger.

4- Cortisone

When applied directly to the scalp, cortisone injections contribute to hair growth. One can use the drug in the form of tablets for oral use or ointments for topical use as well.

The Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD) warns against self-medication for hair loss.

How to prevent hair loss?

Maintaining hair hygiene is essential to maintaining healthy hair. Use products recommended for your hair type, which does not cause allergies and dryness.

Shampoo should not be ignored in the hair routine. It cleans the wires and removes oiliness, sweat, flaking of scalp cells, pollution residues, and other hair products.

After washing, people use conditioner. The function is to neutralize the negative charges of the wires, reducing frizz, in addition to improving combing and softness.

Taking care of hair health is not always an easy task. When you have the best hair growth remedies available in one place, the process becomes simpler than it seems.

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