Discover which are the best job sites in Brazil

By ganerationlmn 4 Min Read
Discover which are the best job sites in Brazil

Are you curious? We have prepared a list of the best job sites to look for a job in Brazil so that you can choose the best option for your profile. See below!

What are the best job sites in Brazil?

Currently, in Brazil, several job sites mediate between those who are looking for and those who want to hire. Discover some of the best job sites in Brazil below:

1. LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a platform that mixes features of a social network, job site, and online CV. It is one of the most popular options for those who want to maintain a visible professional profile and expand their network of contacts.

Vacancy offers, however, are still smaller than traditional websites. It offers a subscription service, which expands contact possibilities and gives hiring managers greater visibility of your CV.

2. Catho

ACathois one of the largest and most traditional job search networks in Brazil, with approximately 1.8 million vacancies published every year. The service is paid and offers a series of facilities for candidates. There is the possibility of trying the tool for free for seven days. It is also possible to download an application, available for Android and IOS platforms.

3. InfoJobs

Present in Brazil since 2007, theInfoJobsallows candidates to search for vacancies and post their CVs for free. The data is active for an unlimited time. It also offers a paid service, which increases the visibility of your CV. Also available in the form of an application for Android and Windows Phone platforms.


It is among the largest job search sites in Brazil. Currently, the JobsIt has more than 270,000 vacancies available and is used by 150,000 companies. Offers subscription service to increase candidate profile visibility. Also available as an app for Android and IOS platforms.


ONational Employment Website (SINE)It has existed since 2000 as a completely free online job classifieds platform. It is among the largest in Brazil, with more than one million vacancies published. It is important not to confuse it with the National Employment System (SINE), from the Ministry of Labor and Employment (MTE).


OVacanciesIt is completely free and is based on a tool designed for recruitment and selection management, promising candidates to find the vacancies best suited to their profile.


OIndeed is a job aggregator, in other words: it is a tool capable of searching for jobs for the requested profile on different job sites at the same time. It is completely free for applicants.

8. Trovit Brazil

International website that arrived in Brazil a few years ago, the Trovitis a search tool specialized in classifieds in general, which includes jobs, cars, and real estate. It is present in 38 countries and is one of the most used in Europe and Latin America.


The website of the Business-School Integration Center (CIEE)helps young Brazilian students find internships or learning opportunities in the job market. The service is completely free.

10. Emprega Brasil

OEmploy Brazil is the official jobs website of the Federal Government and access can be done through a gov. br account.

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