Do rabbits have baby teeth?

By ganerationlmn 6 Min Read
Do rabbits have baby teeth

Size isn’t the only factor that makes rabbits‘ teeth unique. There are many interesting facts about these beautiful teeth that are not well known. One of them is the question of whether rabbits have baby teeth or not. Have you ever stopped to think about it?

Stay with us and learn a little more about the trademark of these much-loved furry animals: the rabbit tooth. In addition to finding out if these animals have baby teeth, we will explain the formation of the dental arch and the best way to preserve the animals’ teeth.

Do rabbits change teeth or not?

Yes, the rabbit has baby teeth, which is what we call the tooth that came in first. More than that, it is replaced by the definitive one during intrauterine life. Did you find it strange? That’s because we haven’t talked about how long teeth grow!

As incredible as it may seem, a rabbit’s tooth doesn’t stop growing throughout its life. This is a characteristic of eloquent animals, represented by rodents, such as chinchillas and guinea pigs, and the lagomorph group, which includes rabbits.

Find out how rabbits’ teeth are formed

Firstly, it is necessary to point out that, although cartoons depict bunnies with clearly visible teeth, in reality, the teeth are difficult to see. This means that despite being large, they have a unique formation.

The adult rabbit has 26 to 28 permanent teeth, and the absence of canine teeth makes this animal’s arch different. Let’s get to know the types and characteristics of big ears better. Check out how they are divided below.


Rabbits have two pairs of upper incisors and one pair of lower incisors. The incisors, in particular, are used to grab and cut food, therefore, they are essential for the lives of pets.


The rabbit with big teeth depicted in the drawings highlights its four large front teeth. However, in addition to them, the arch is also formed by molars and premolars, located in the inner region of the mouth and used for chewing.

Learn how to care for rabbits’ teeth

As we said above, rabbit teeth grow throughout their lives, so how is it possible for these animals not to have gigantic teeth?

To resolve this issue, nature thought of the most effective way to maintain these large teeth: it gave the incisors the task of cutting the most fibrous vegetation. This way, teeth are worn down naturally.

But what to do when rabbits live in houses or apartments, far from these fibrous foods? This is a very common question among owners and needs to be resolved so that their pets do not develop problems with their teeth, such as the formation of points and misalignment, making chewing difficult.

Therefore, more than knowing that the rabbit has baby teeth, the owner needs to be aware of the animal’s diet. This means that, in addition to specific food for rabbits, it is essential to supplement their diet with hay, carrot stalks, cabbage, and any other vegetable that has thicker leaves and thus wears down the teeth.

Learn how to identify problems with your rabbit’s teeth

Without the ideal food for tooth wear, it is very likely that you will have to deal with problems caused by a broken rabbit tooth, for example. Check below the main symptoms of a rabbit with this problem that can be easily identified.

Weight loss: the animal feels pain when trying to chew the food or may not be able to chew it, which directly interferes with its nutrition;

misaligned teeth: can cause wounds on the gums, palate, and lips. When the misalignment is in the incisors, it is easier to detect the problem, unlike what happens when it involves the molars;

eye problems: when it causes abscesses in the molars and premolars, it can affect eye pressure. In some cases, it seriously affects the optic nerve.

How to care for baby rabbits’ teeth

Like all puppies, the bunny loves and needs to play, which means exploring the environment where he lives. Therefore, the best thing to do is invest in toys that contribute to toothwear.

Yes, toys designed to wear out baby rabbit teeth exist! They are usually made of wood and do not contain anything toxic to the animal. So, you know: if you want to build the toy with your own hands. Be careful not to use any harmful products, such as paint, for example.

If you don’t have access to wooden toys, vegetables can also be used as chew toys for puppies, as well as being nutritious. The most important thing is to offer healthy options!

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