
National Blood Donor Day

By ganerationlmn 3 Min Read
Blood Donor Day

Celebrated on November 25th, National Blood Donor Day. The date was created by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2023. The objective is to raise awareness among the population and increase the number of donors in the world, making them aware of the importance of donating blood and how this gesture can save lives.


Voluntary Blood Donor Day was established through Decree-Law No. 53,988, of June 30, 1964, signed by President Castello Branco, defining November 25th – the anniversary date of the founding of the Brazilian Association of Voluntary Blood Donors – as the official blood donor date in Brazil and later made official by the WHO.

Who can donate blood?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), to donate blood it is necessary to follow some rules, including:

  • Be in good health and be between 16 and 67 years old, (Under 18 years old only with authorization from parents or legal guardian);
  • Have not received blood or plasma for less than 12 months;
  • Do not have diabetes or heart disease;
  • Have slept at least 6 hours in the last 24 hours;
  • Identity document with photo;
  • Not having donated blood for at least 60 days (men) and 90 days (women);
  • For women, not breastfeeding, are pregnant, and waiting until the third month after giving birth to donate;
  • Not have an intense flu-like condition or have had a fever in the last seven days;
  • Have not had a tooth extracted less than seven days ago;
  • Have not had a piercing, acupuncture, or tattoo less than 12 months ago;
  • Not have consumed alcohol four hours before the donation;
  • Not fasting. Avoid only fatty foods in the 4 hours before donating;
  • Weigh at least 55 kg;
  • Have not had major surgery less than 6 months ago and minor surgery less than 3 months ago;
  • Not have engaged in risk behavior for HIV contamination or use of illicit injectable drugs.

To exercise your right to be a blood donor, you must make an appointment in advance.

In the week of November 25th, chemotherapy services across the country are mobilized in local campaigns to strengthen blood donation. Donated blood is used for people with a variety of hematological diseases, cancer, people undergoing major elective surgeries, and for emergencies.

The blood donor has the right to “one day off for every twelve months of work, in the case of duly proven voluntary blood donation “. Guaranteed by CLT.

Donors can also celebrate the worthy act of donating blood on June 14th, World Blood Donor Day.