Scarlet fever its symptoms and treatment

By ganerationlmn 4 Min Read

Scarlet fever is an acute spread complaint that affects nonage and whose symptoms are fever, pharyngotonsillitis, rash, and dropping.

Scarlet Fever spreads from the sick person to the healthy person through the air, via droplets of saliva, making it highly infectious.

Carriers can also infect people through objects or food (although less constantly).

The prognostic is good with proper treatment. In some cases, it can be seriously toxic forms and septic forms.

What are the symptoms of Scarlet fever?

The development period lasts between 3 and 5 days and is asymptomatic.
Invasion period 12- 24 hours with unforeseen onset high fever, puking and headache, painful pharyngotonsillitis, exanthema (red blotches) on the soft palate, and veritably coated lingo (covered with a whitish coating but with red blotches and edges).
The exanthematic or state period lasts roughly 3- 4 days. It begins with a thin, scarlet red rash, more violent at the position of skin crowds. The lingo becomes scaled and red with important papillae, giving it a jeer appearance (typical of scarlet fever).
Desquamation or decline period can persist for weeks.

The most common symptoms are

  • High fever.
  • Vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • Sore throat.
  • Scarlet red rash.

What are the causes of scarlet fever?

The bacterium Group A hemolytic streptococcus causes Scarlet Fever through its erythrogenic poisons A, B, and C.

Scarlet fever leaves long-lasting impunity against the poison, but the child may be infected with other types or kinds of strep.

What are the issues of scarlet fever?

Complications can be:

Beforehand, Scarlet Fever symptoms usually appear almost at once with the infection (which spreads to nearby tissues), such as otitis media, mastoiditis, cervical adenitis, laryngitis, and bronchopneumonia.
Delayed glomerulonephritis, rheumatic fever, and osteomyelitis.

How is scarlet fever diagnosed?

Doctors use clinical symptoms to diagnose Scarletina fever, and they confirm it by carrying out lab tests:

Presence of streptococcus in pharyngeal exudate.

  • Antistreptolysins in serum (development of antibodies).
  • Increased leukocytes and eosinophils (white blood cells) in the blood.
  • The progress can be actually different and the clinical forms can range from nasty (poisonous, septic) to benign (idle, spoiled).
  • The complaint leaves long-lasting impunity against the poison.

How it is treated?

  • Abundant fluids.
  • Doctors recommend that patients rest while they have a fever due to Scarlet Fever.
  • Anesthetics and antipyretics.
  • Doctors advise a 10-day course of treatment for Scarletina fever to ensure complete removal of the infection and to prevent the patient from becoming a carrier.

Where do we treat it?

The contagious conditions Service of the University of Navarra Clinic
Opinion and treatment of conditions caused by a contagious agent, which can be bacteria, contagions, fungi, and protozoa. Infections affect people causing veritably different procedures that can be located in any towel of the mortal body, which requires a specific approach.

This service carries out its effort on three fronts watch work, strong on the opinion and treatment of contagious conditions; teaching, with the training of medical professors, medical citizens, and nurses; and adventure vocation, through the development of logical and lab studies.

Organized in care units

  • Infections related to biomaterials.
  • Nosocomial infections (multi-resistance).
  • Infections in immune curb cases.
  • Community infection.
  • Trip drug.
  • Program for prudent use and advanced anti-infective treatments.
  • Control of infection by multiresistant microorganisms.

See also: Spanish flu: THE MOTHER OF PANDEMICS.

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