491 skilled visa requirements and Processing time

By ganerationlmn 14 Min Read
491 skilled visa requirements and Processing time.

The 491 skilled visa is a promising option for skilled workers who wish to live and work in regional areas of Australia. As part of the Australian government’s strategy to encourage migration to regional areas and address skill shortages. The 491 visa offers a pathway for skilled workers to obtain temporary residency and potentially transition to permanent residency in the future.

To be eligible for the 491 skilled visas, applicants must meet specific requirements. Firstly, they need to be nominated by an Australian state or territory government or sponsored by an eligible family member residing in a designated regional area. Additionally, they must be under 45 years of age and have a positive skills assessment in an occupation listed on the relevant skilled occupation list.

Income Requirement

The 491 visa, also known as the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa, is a pathway to permanent residency in Australia for skilled workers who are willing to live and work in regional areas. One of the key requirements for the 491 visa is meeting the income requirement. Applicants must demonstrate that they have a taxable income above a certain threshold to be eligible for the visa.

American Dollars.
Income Requirement.

The income requirement for the 491 visa varies depending on the number of dependents the applicant has. As of April 2023, the minimum income threshold for the primary applicant without any dependents is AUD 53,900 per year. For applicants with dependents, the income requirement increases, and additional income is required for each dependent. It’s important to note that the income requirement may change. And it’s essential to check the latest requirements on the official Department of Home Affairs website.

491 Visa Processing Time

The processing time for the 491 visa can vary and is subject to change depending on various factors such as the volume of applications. The completeness of the submitted documents, and the complexity of the case. As of April 2023, the estimated processing time for the 491 visas is around 12-15 months.

Passengers on airport.
491 Visa Processing Time.

However, it’s important to note that this is just an estimate, and the actual processing time may differ for individual cases.

491 Visa Occupation List

Applicants must nominate an occupation listed on the relevant occupation list to be eligible for the 491 visas. The occupation lists are published by the Australian Government and are designed to identify occupations that are in demand in regional areas. The occupation lists for the 491 visa are updated periodically. And it’s important for applicants to check the latest list to ensure their occupation is eligible.

The occupation lists for the 491 visas are divided into three categories:

Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL): This list includes occupations that are in high demand in regional areas and have long-term growth prospects.

Regional Occupation List (ROL): This list includes occupations that are specific to regional areas and are in demand in those areas.

Labor Market Testing (LMT) List: This list includes occupations that require employers to undergo labor market testing before sponsoring a skilled worker for a 491 visa.

Applicants must nominate an occupation from one of these lists. And meet the relevant skills and qualifications requirements for that occupation.

What is the Processing Time for a 491 Visa in Australia?

The processing time for the 491 visas can vary depending on various factors, as mentioned earlier. However, on average, it may take around 12-15 months for the visa to be processed. It’s important to note that this is just an estimate, and the actual processing time may vary for individual cases.

To ensure a smooth and timely processing of the visa application. It’s crucial for applicants to submit all the required documents accurately and completely. And respond promptly to any requests for additional information from the Department of Home Affairs. Additionally, keeping track of the latest updates and changes in the visa processing time on the official Department of Home Affairs website can also be helpful.

How to Apply for the Regional Skilled Visa Subclass 491?

Applying for the Regional Skilled Visa Subclass 491 involves several steps. Here’s a general overview of the application process:

Check the occupation list: As mentioned earlier. Applicants must nominate an occupation from the relevant occupation list for the 491 visas. It’s important to ensure that the nominated occupation is eligible and meets the skills and qualifications requirements.

Meet the eligibility criteria: Apart from the occupation list requirement, applicants must also meet other eligibility criteria. Such as age, English language proficiency, and health and character requirements.
Lodge an Expression of Interest (EOI): Once the eligibility criteria are met. Applicants need to submit an EOI through the online Skill Select system. The EOI provides details about the applicant’s skills, qualifications, and other relevant information.

Receive an invitation to apply: If the EOI is successful. If the applicant’s point score is high enough, they may receive an invitation to apply for the 491 visa. The authorities issuing the invitations usually base their decision on the availability of visa places and the ranking of the applicant in the points system.
Submit a complete visa application: Upon receiving an invitation. The applicant needs to lodge a complete visa application with all the required supporting documents. Including proof of skills assessment, English language proficiency, and other relevant documents.

Await visa decision: Once the visa application is lodged. The Department of Home Affairs will assess the application and may request additional information or documents. It’s important to respond to any requests promptly to avoid delays in the processing time. The authorities will notify the applicant of the outcome once they make a decision.

How to Get Permanent Residency (PR) After 491 Visa

The 491 visa is a provisional visa that allows holders to live and work in regional areas of Australia for up to five years. After holding the 491 visas for a certain period of time. Applicants may be eligible to apply for permanent residency (PR) through the Regional pathway.

To be eligible for PR after the 491 visas, applicants must meet certain requirements, including:

Residence requirement: Applicants must have lived and worked in a designated regional area for at least three years while holding the 491 visa.

Income Requirement: Applicants must demonstrate that they have earned a taxable income above a certain threshold for at least three years while holding the 491 visa.

Other PR requirements: Applicants must also meet other PR requirements, such as English language proficiency, health, and character requirements.

Lodge a PR application: Once the eligibility requirements are met. Applicants can lodge a PR application through the relevant pathway, such as the Skilled Regional (Permanent) visa (subclass 191). The PR application requires submitting all the necessary documents and meeting the requirements of the specific visa subclass.

491 Visa Points Calculator

The authorities use the 491 visa points system to assess the eligibility of applicants and determine their ranking for receiving an invitation to apply. The authorities award points based on various factors such as age, English language proficiency, education, work experience, and other relevant criteria.

A point calculator is a useful tool that applicants can use to determine their points score and assess their chances of receiving an invitation for the 491 visas. The point calculator considers factors. Such as age, English language proficiency, education, work experience, regional study, regional employment, partner skills, and other criteria. It’s important to note that the points system and requirements may change. And it’s essential to check the latest updates on the Department of Home Affairs website.

Requirements for Victoria

Victoria is one of the states in Australia. Offers the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491) as a pathway for skilled workers to live and work in regional areas of the state. The requirements for the Victoria 491 visa are similar to the general requirements of the 491 visa. Including meeting the income requirement, occupation list requirement, and other eligibility criteria.

Victoria, Australia.
Requirements for Victoria.

In addition, Victoria may have specific requirements for the 491 visa. Such as having a job offer from an employer in Victoria. Demonstrating a commitment to living and working in regional Victoria and meeting any state-specific skills or qualifications requirements. The Victoria State Government or the Department of Home Affairs requires applicants interested in applying for the Victoria 491 visa to check the specific requirements on their official website to ensure they meet all the requirements.

Is NSW Open for a 491 Visa?

New South Wales (NSW) is one of the most popular states in Australia for migration and offers 491 visas as a pathway for skilled workers to live and work in regional areas of the state. However, the availability of the 491 visas in NSW may vary depending on the state’s nomination program and the demand for skilled workers in regional areas.

Sydney, Australia.
Is NSW Open for a 491 Visa?

It’s important to check the latest updates on the NSW government website or the Department of Home Affairs website to confirm if NSW is currently open for the 491 visas. The NSW government may have specific requirements for nomination. Such as having a job offer from an employer in regional NSW. Meeting the state’s skills needs, and demonstrating a commitment to living and working in regional NSW.


The 491 skilled visa offers a promising opportunity for skilled workers to live and work in regional areas of Australia. However, it’s crucial to understand and meet the requirements of the visa. Including the income requirement, occupation list requirement, and other eligibility criteria. Applicants must also be aware of the processing time. Submit a complete visa application, and meet the PR requirements if they plan to apply for permanent residency in the future.

Using the point calculator and checking the specific requirements of the state, such as Victoria or NSW. Can also help applicants ensure they meet all the criteria for the 491 visa. It’s advisable to seek professional advice from a registered migration agent or refer to the official websites of the Department of Home Affairs and relevant state governments for up-to-date and accurate information on the 491 visa requirements.

In conclusion, the 491 skilled visas can be a viable pathway for skilled workers who wish to live and work in regional areas of Australia. By understanding the requirements, following the application process diligently, and staying updated with the latest information. Applicants can increase their chances of a successful visa outcome. And eventually, achieve their goal of living and working in regional Australia.

Check also: 11 countries with digital nomad visa

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