5 supply chain 4.0 trends

By ganerationlmn 4 Min Read
5 supply chain 4.0 trends

In the supply chain, the needs of Industry 4.0 require retailers, distributors, buyers, and suppliers to monitor 360˚, in real-time, of all stages of the supply chain, so that companies can keep their stocks supplied, without lack or excess products.

In today’s text, we share with you 5 trends for supply chain 4.0. Get to know them!

Intelligence is the keyword of the supply chain of the future

To cope with so many transformations, supply chain 4.0, or simply the “supply chain of the future”, establishes a network of intelligent connections using the Internet of Things (IoT), advanced robotics resources, and big data analysis. It is these connections that optimize all stages of production, storage, and marketing of products.

This step forward is what has helped to ensure the competitiveness of companies. In a market characterized by constant transformation, more than ever, it will be essential for supply chain professionals to act with strategy and productivity.

Below, discover the main trends of supply chain 4.0:

1. Agility

Speed ​​is one of the determining factors in customer satisfaction. In Supply Chain 4.0, this speed is achieved through strategies to deal with the different factors that influence companies’ supply chains. Managers make decisions based on various internal and external data, such as supply and demand, market trends, weather, supply of raw materials, and maintenance of supplier machinery.

2. Flexibility

The agility to make decisions that directly influence the production and distribution of products makes the supply chain capable of being flexible to changes in market demand or partner supply. This way, it is possible to predict possible problems and make decisions to minimize the impacts of unforeseen events, as well as make adjustments to the process.

3. Customization

With the possibility of managing the entire supply chain in real-time, managers can access each customer’s personalized requests and adapt logistics and production to delivery needs. The use of different delivery systems, such as drones, will be essential to meet the most urgent requirements.

4. Accuracy

By having 360˚ management of the entire supply chain. Connected 24 hours a day, managers from each company and each department involved in the processes have more visibility and transparency of all data involving the supply chain. With quick access to information, each leader will be able to make fundamental strategic decisions.

5. Efficiency

The digitalization of all supply chain processes makes all tasks linked to the supply chain more efficient. This is both from a production point of view, aligned with the company’s needs, and from an operational point of view, which will be less subject to errors.

Supply chain configurations can also be updated periodically. Based on the data that will be collected daily. As well as the incorporation of new technologies to increase productivity and offer increasingly better products.

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