8 new HR trends to keep an eye on in 2023

By ganerationlmn 7 Min Read
8 new HR trends to keep an eye on in 2023

Like other departments, HR needs to be more technological, strategic, dynamic, agile, empowering, and innovative. Due to this demand from the business world for traditional companies to transform into 4.0 companies. Changes in the current mindset of organizational culture and the application of new practices in the area’s daily routine help to create a pleasant environment for its employees, and retain and attract talent.

To start 2023 with a more innovative HR and modernize your company, we have selected 8 New HR trends for you to apply in your organization, starting now.

1. HR close to Marketing

The way we communicate internally has changed drastically. The old bulletin boards or intranet no longer work, making it necessary to be closer to the means of communication where the employee is present. Messages are instantaneous and objective, but the main challenge is: how to be efficient in passing the message to the team.

Because it is in direct contact with all sectors and people, the human resources area is suitable for creating this communication and relationship between the company and employees. Getting closer to the areas of communication and marketing makes it possible to spread organizational culture more, and create announcements, notices, and new employee experience strategies.

Furthermore, technology already enables company communication through management software that, in addition to controlling the organization’s processes, allows everyone to interact and communicate in a single environment, with chats, internal blogs, and forums. The corporate blog is one of the main communication channels created between the company and employees and can show news/publications that the company wants to share.

2. Employee Experience

HR must focus on maintaining a pleasant. Humanized work environment and creating a new experience in the employee’s journey – the famous Employee Experience – to make them a possible ambassador for your brand. We are talking about revealing to employees a new world of opportunities and possibilities that they can achieve within the company, intensifying the relationship.

It is important to highlight that this includes the benefits that organizations offer their employees. These incentives are a differentiator for the company and demonstrate concern for a safe and pleasant environment, health plans, qualification courses, and commemorative dates, bringing them closer to OKRs, and internal recognition actions, among others.

With the help of technology, new work relationships must be increasingly digital to build more interactive relationships. According to Great Place to Work, it is necessary to be more digital and relate more and more, making the world more agile, without losing purpose.

3. Flexibility in working hours

Allowing flexibility in schedules and home office possibilities improves employees’ working hours, allowing better performance when carrying out more agile activities and processes in the company. According to news from Gazeta do Povo, the Court of Justice of Paraná (TJ-PR) noticed an increase in employee productivity of 95% and the quality of work performed by 75%. Six months after implementing the home office in the company.

The new HR must be agile and humanized, being the main pillars of companies such as Nubank, Boticário, Magazine Luiza, IFood, Natura, and Unilever. Which has been innovating the people management model within companies. Satisfied employees with a good quality of life at work bring good results to organizations. Allowing them to develop a new culture.

4. Agile and innovative methodologies

The creation of squads and multidisciplinary teams is the new way to relate teams and begin digital transformation in departments. Today it is no longer necessary for each area to do its part and in its own time to offer new proposals. But rather teams with different professionals who exchange experiences and network. The objective is to manage teams for integration into each project.

To choose the best professionals in each squad of the company. You need to look at them as human beings who do not want to be a temporary part of the team. But rather as an integral part of the team. The risk of frustration can be high if you do not take this issue into account.

The implementation of new methodologies that streamline team processes is a way of innovating in the Human Resources area. The methods capable of integrating and streamlining HR processes are Design Thinking, Scrum, and systemic vision. Which can be used in the recruitment and selection of talent. In addition to being able to take these methodologies into the company’s culture and constructive feedback.

5. Team training

Employees need to learn constantly, and HR is the area that can help develop people through courses and corporate training. In addition to constant monitoring. Therefore, one of the objectives of companies must be to develop their employees to take on leadership positions and improve their areas of activity. Seeking solutions to train and qualify employees through lectures, courses, training, events, seminars, and immersions, among others.

6. More technological Recruitment and Selection

New technologies for HR have emerged as facilitators and support in the process of recruiting and selecting new employees. Recruitment and selection software allows the company to reduce search time and increase the chances of empathy with the candidate. Artificial Intelligence, for example, helps to filter candidates according to the compatibility between their skills and the job requirements.

7. Diverse and inclusive culture

According to a survey from the 9th edition of Great Place to Work in Rio Grande do Sul. Employees prioritize five pillars regarding the company’s organizational climate: credibility, respect, impartiality, pride, and camaraderie.

8. Onboarding

Employee Branding is the strategy that strengthens your brand through employees, transforming them into company ambassadors. This process is part of Onboarding – in literal translation “embarking” – it starts with the integration of new employees until the hiring part. With the aim of promoting their socialization with the routine, values, and culture.

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