
Sick rabbit: learn to identify toothy problems

By ganerationlmn 5 Min Read
Sick rabbit learn to identify toothy problems

The changes shown by some species when they are sick are very evident. Unfortunately, for owners, this is not the case with domestic toothy rabbits, making it difficult to recognize a sick rabbit.

According to Dr. Mariana Pestelli, a veterinarian at Petz, this is due to the fact that rabbits are prey in the wild. In other words, for survival reasons, rabbits tend to hide their weaknesses. Otherwise, they would be seen as easy prey, becoming a preferential target for predators.

At home, protected from danger, rabbits maintain this characteristic of trying to hide their symptoms. However, with a little attention, you can notice changes that indicate that your friend needs help. Let’s check what are the main signs of a sick rabbit and their symptoms.

1. Lack of appetite

A common symptom of a series of diseases, decreased appetite is one of the main signs that your friend is not well. To find out if this is the case for your rabbit, pay attention to the food container. Additionally, pay attention to the volume of feces: the decrease may also indicate that the pet is not eating as usual.

2. Louder than normal teeth grinding

Anyone who has a rabbit knows that these pets make a cute noise with their teeth when they are excited and happy. On the other hand, if this teeth grinding is more audible than usual, it’s worth investigating. Pay attention to your rabbit’s health!

3. Prostration and isolation

Like many other species, rabbits like to stay still and calmly in their corner, resting from time to time. They are also curious and love to play, especially with chew toys. So, if your friend prefers to stay quiet all the time, it could be a sign of one of the rabbit diseases.

4. Change in the appearance of feces

Dealing with rabbit feces is usually an easy task. After all, in addition to being able to learn where to do its business, rabbit feces are hard balls that don’t make much mess.

However, if your feces are liquid or mucous, try to remember if you gave your toothy food any different food. Some vegetables, such as lettuce, contain a lot of water and trigger diarrhea in rabbits.

Didn’t the rabbit eat anything out of the ordinary? It is likely that you are sick. In this case, it is worth observing how many days the pet has had the problem and taking it to the veterinarian.

5. Presence of secretions

Eye diseases, such as conjunctivitis, are common problems among rabbits, and secretions are among their main symptoms. Additionally, your furry friend’s eyes may appear swollen and red. In the case of conjunctivitis, the secretion looks like a dense, yellow liquid, as if it were a permanent patch.

6. Lack of hygiene

Just like cats and rodents, rabbits also take care of their own hygiene, licking themselves clean. This habit is part of these pets’ instincts. Therefore, if the rabbit you live with has stopped licking itself from one moment to the next, it is a good idea to see a veterinarian.

7. Itching

A little scratching here and there is normal. Intense and frequent itching is a common symptom of a series of problems, such as scabies, otitis, and flea or lice infestation. Therefore, pay attention to signs on the rabbit’s fur!

To facilitate the diagnosis by the veterinarian, observe whether the itching is accompanied by other symptoms, such as alopecia ( rabbit hair falling out ) and skin wounds with or without secretions. Another tip is to pay attention to the region where the itching occurs. In the case of otitis, it is concentrated in the ears.

8. Coughing, sneezing and difficulty breathing

Respiratory problems such as colds and pneumonia are also common among rabbits, especially among those whose cage is not protected against drafts.

Speaking of sneezing, they occur when there is obstruction of the airways, and can occur for a variety of reasons. However, if they become very frequent and are accompanied by coughing and snoring, see a veterinarian as soon as possible for an evaluation.