What do fish eat?

By ganerationlmn 6 Min Read
What do fish eat

What do fish eat?

As we already know, fish feeding is not the same in nature as in our aquarium. In their natural habitat, fish tend to feed on other smaller aquatic animals such as larvae or invertebrates. Most are carnivores, but there are some species that feed on plants and algae. With regard to what fish eat when they live in aquariums, it will depend on whether they are saltwater, freshwater, tropical or bottom fish.

It is very important to know the diet of each species to offer adequate food that provides all the nutrients and vitamins they need to be healthy and live many years.

What do tropical fish eat?

Tropical fish can feed on live and dry food: the first could be mosquito larvae, shrimp, and small worms; the second can be in flakes, granules, or tablets. With them, you provide a balanced supply of nutrients, fibers, and proteins for optimal health.

At Tiendanimal you can find different food options for tropical fish from the best brands: Tetra, sera, JBL and Tropicais are some of them. Flake food, Menu flakes, granules, micro granules, floating foods, larvae, fresh gelatin food, spirulina, and much more. In addition to holiday food and specific food for guppies or bettas.

What does cold water fish eat?

Cold-water fish are very easy to care for and maintain. There are numerous foods for each species adapted to their nutritional needs and digestive system. The most common are floating sticks, granules, and flakes.

Complete formulas so you don’t have to worry about anything and you don’t need any kind of supplement for your fish. Flakes and scales are the most common food for cold water fish: they float in the water longer and are easier for the animal to reach. On the other hand, the granules that the fish eat have a greater weight and sink to the bottom of the aquarium faster, so some less skilled fish will not take advantage of it. While the remains of scale can easily contaminate the water and must be cleaned frequently to avoid this, the granules leave little residue and maintain the balance of the aquarium.

The cold water fish food is suitable for species such as goldfish, bubble-eye fish, betta splendens, telescope fish, goldfish, tactics, or common carp.

What does bottom fish eat?

Food for bottom-dwelling fish is not the same as for surface-swimming fish. Food in scales is not suitable, in this case, they need the weight of the food to make it go down to the last level of the aquarium quickly so that the other fish do not eat it during the descent.

We are talking about fish such as catfish ( plecos, catfish ), cobitids, and barbs.  Round tablets and discs are the most used food for these species as they weigh a lot and can settle in specific areas of the aquarium. We have pellets for carnivorous fish and others with spirulina algae for phytophages. Tetra, sera, and JBL satisfy the nutritional needs of these species with proteins, minerals, and vitamins combined in a solid and compact format.

What do discus fish eat?

The discus is a type of freshwater fish very appreciated for its beauty. But it has a demanding diet that requires a greater variety of food. In addition to the classic granules and scales, the Tropical D-Allio Plus Granulat supplement for discus fish with garlic has vitamins, a high nutritional value, and improves the digestive process; one of the star products for this species.

There are also sera color enhancers designed to bring out. The intense color of the discus with complete formulas is made up of numerous ingredients such as spirulina.  Green-lipped mussels, nettles, garlic, spinach, and carrots. With Tiendanimal’s quality products, your fish will be healthy and look splendid.

Other foods that fish eat

  • Fresh food: mollusk meat such as mussels, and veal heart meat. They are frozen, raw, or cooked & their purpose is to preserve the vitamins for your fish.
  • Mealworm and tubifex: live protein-rich food.
  • Raw meat and fish: much appreciated by fish. We recommend white meat such as turkey and chicken, heart, and liver. Those with too much fat or blood are not recommended. You must cut it into small cubes and thin blades.
  • Molluscs: rich in proteins and carbohydrates, with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, phosphorus, and magnesium. They are widely used in marine aquariums.
  • Fish eggs: ideal for small fish.
  • Vegetables: raw, cooked, or frozen. You can use cucumber, spinach, lettuce, potato, and more.
  • Daphnias, cyclops, and Gammarus: small crustaceans that aquarium fish love.

You already know the different food options that fish eat to find the best one depending on the species. Here you will find other interesting articles about these animals.

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